Articles & Presentations

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Windows Logging, File and Registry Auditing Cheat Sheets updated for Windows 10 and some cleanup and additions

The 'Windows Logging Cheat Sheet', 'Windows File Auditing Cheat Sheet' and 'Registry Auditing Cheat Sheet' have been updated for 2016.  The cheat sheets have been updated in part due to auditing improvments added by the 'Windows 10 Anniversary Update' released earlier this year.  We also took the opportunity to do some cleanup and add more autorun keys to the registry auditing cheat sheet.  Updates are easy to spot, just look for 'new'.

We also post the cheat sheet on SlideShare with our presentations, just search for "LOG-MD" and/or "MalwareArchaeology" 

LOG-MD is currently being updated to incorporate the changes, so watch for an announcement soon !

You can get the "LOG-MD Free edition" here:

Happy Hunting!

#InfoSec, #MalwareArchaeology