2 years ago I hounded the director of CODE 2600 to allow BSides Texas events (DFW, Austin & San Antonio) show his movie at our awesome Cons. He agreed and the rest is history as they say.
At the BSides DFW post Con reception I had a discussion with Jeremy on the efforts of Johnny Long and Hackers for Charity and thought it would make a good documentary. Our own HFC supporter and Austinite @Spridel11 (Justin Brown) was in attendance and I introduced the two and they talked.
A short 4 months later at BSides Austin's CODE 2600 movie showing, also the following day during the Con, Jeremy made the following announcement. Roughly stated:
'We are pleased to announce Zerchak Films and 'Hackers for Charity' have officially launched 'Hackers in Uganda' KickStarter to raise $15,000 to help fund a documentary of the impact and efforts of Hackers for Charity on the people and country of Uganda.'
I am proud to have been a part of this and look forward to seeing what comes out of this endeavor. We need films like CODE 2600 and 'Hackers in Uganda' in order for people to truly understand the Information Security and Hacker communities and the good we do.
Hackers are not bad, just curious, and we help people just like anyone else. We are the good of our community and help to find flaws in systems before the criminal element does, we are the good guys and gals of the Information Technology community.
So PLEASE support the Kickastarter "Hackers in Uganda” effort and let's make this movie and a difference. There are lots of good stuff you can get as a part of your donation, so take a look.
Hackers in Uganda website
Hackers for Charity website

CODE 2600 website

#InfoSec #HFC #HackersinUganda